Sunday, August 17, 2008

Video Games

In my experience on video games I was addicted to it when I was a kid until I became to adulthood. Nowadays,
The technology played a big role to give the gamers more emotions of the real life while they playing until the gamers become addicted .The government should take some action to restrict advertising and market that target young consumers. Moreover, patents need to share some of responsibility for making decisions about what is appropriate for their children.


KY(KiYoon) said...

nice picture~ :)
what kinds of video games did you play when you were young? kkk

Saleh Aldharrab said...

like the pic Ahmed.
i was addicted to HALO 3 then a found the perfect solution ...
people should take english courses and they will see how their life's will change!
LOVE U LEVEL 8!!!!!!

mohammad_313 said...

Actually, video games id interesting, but I agree with you that we should not be an easy target for the producer!!